Proposals for the following types of contributions are suggested, but proposals not covered by the descriptions below will also be considered.
1. Translations
a. Essays, fiction, letters, diaries, poetry, and other writings by or about historical anarchists. Examples could include "Omokage" and "Saigo no yume" by Kanno Sugako, "Fujin kaihô no higeki" by Itô Noe, or poems by Akiyama Kiyoshi.
b. Material from Expansion of Life (EOL), VOL, and other contemporary anarchist zines or relevant publications in Japanese.
c. Scholarly works that address anarchism in Japan (such as, for example, selections from Naitô Chizuko's Teikoku to Ansatsu).
2. Essays Focusing on People, Events, Groups, and Movements
a. Historical figures including (but not limited to) Kanno Suga(ko), Kaneko Fumiko, Itô Noe, Akiyama Kiyoshi, Kôtoku Shûsui, Uchiyama Gudô, Kondô Magara, Kondô Kenji, Sakai Toshihiko, and Osugi Sakae.
b. Contemporary anarchists in Japan.
c. Significant historical events (such as the Taigyaku or Amakasu incidents) and recent events (such as the protests surrounding the 2008 G8 Summit in Hokkaido or the Kamagasaki Uprisings).
d. Institutes, organizations, collectives, infoshops, etc., such as:
Cira Japana (http://www.cira-japana.net/)
Irregular Rhythm Asylum (http://a.sanpal.co.jp/
3. Critical Essays
a. Anarchist ideas, action, discourse, concerns, etc. in Japanese contexts. Topics might include, for example, mutual aid, DIY, direct action, queer punk anarchism, esperanto, the emperor system, anarchist internationalism, communalism, and anarcho-feminism.
b. Analyses of anarchist writings, films, or movements.
4. Interviews with contemporary anarchists in Japan.
The length of essays and interviews (those which are not translations of primary source material) will be determined in consultation with the editor and publisher. Biographical essays on Kanno Sugako and Itô Noe should be at least 8,000-10,000 words in length. Please include a proposed length when submitting your abstract/proposal.
All submissions and queries should be directed to the editor:
Adrienne Carey Hurley
McGill University
3434 McTavish Street
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 1X9 Canada
Email: anarchisminjapan@gmail.com
Email submissions are preferred.
This book will be peer reviewed.
For more information on PM Press, please visit the website at: https://secure.pmpress.org/
Abstracts/Proposals (250-400 words) accepted until: October 1, 2008. Acceptances made by October 31, 2008. Entries (double-spaced, MLA format or similar) due: November 1, 2009.
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