It's very tragic - two days ago the pigs evicted the Youth House, Ungdomshuset, in Copenhagen, Denmark. Since then thousands of angry youngsters have turned to the streets to show their anger towards corrupt and narrow-minded politicians, that initially sold the house to a right-extremist Christian sect without the permission of the users of the house.
There has been two days of ritoing in the city streets. Burning barricades and cars, stonethrowing demonstrators - a social uproar has risen following the decision of the city council of Copenhagen to act politically irresponsible, and neglect the demands and needs of the young population of Copenhagen. To neglect the youths need for alternative and experimental spaces.
During these days there have been 600 people arrested. 200 people are now kept in custody by the police for the next fourteen days, and for many of them for the next 27 days. And with the possibility of extending the time of their imprisonment.
This morning different kinds of political spaces and communes were searched and stormed by the pigs and lots of people were arrested. They threw tear gas through the windows in a commune, while people were sleeping, and trashed their place.
All foreigners that have been staying at these places were also arrested and will now be deported.
The borders of Denmark are being tightly monitored to keep sympathisers away, and police forces from all over Denmark as well as some from Sweden are called to Copenhagen.
The conflict is drawn up. Denmark has turned upside down. The eviction of Ungdomshuset has started a popular uprising against the neoliberal police state of Denmark. People are mad, but it's also a matter of international support.
It sounds all fucked, but if you can help us please do so. Everyone here is depressed by the situation, so we need new energy and solidarity actions!
Forward if you can!
Indymedia report: