160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿1-30-12-302
tel:03-3352-6916 | email: info@ira.tokyo
新しいホームページ: http://ira.tokyo
営業時間 13:00〜19:00(月・火・水定休)
1-30-12-302 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 160-0022
tel:03-3352-6916 | email: info@ira.tokyo
website: http://ira.tokyo
Opening Hours 13:00〜19:00 (Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays)
『黄色い象』 仲光健一 (Transistor Press) ¥750
海賊放送のラジオ局「バター・クランチ・キッド・ラジオショー」のDJが語る黄色い象の意味は? ロックンロールを愛する人たちに贈る物語。本書は、『12 water stories magazine』2000年12月発行のNO.6 winter issueに掲載された『黄色い象 - Memphis TN 38152 U.S.A.』のオリジナル・バージョン。目に見えない不安、目に見える暴力が渦巻く日々、繊細な心を失わずタフに生きるための勇気を、読む人の心にきっと伝えてくれる。英語訳つき。手作りジンのおまけ付き。
ピンバッヂ9種 各¥100
左上から、■スターバックスいらない ■非戦 ■すべての警官はクソ野郎 ■マック=殺人鬼のメシ ■戦争と戦え、反戦 ■掠 ■反ヒッピー ■レボリューション ■動物解放/人間解放
ニューヨーク市コンドーム ¥カンパで
「NU☆MAN」パッチ ¥50 ~ ¥300
V.A. Noise of Hunger 日本版 ¥700
フィリピン・マニラのFOOD NOT BOMBSをサポートするためのコンピレーションCD「Noise of Hunger」の日本版。ジャケ違い。で、このジャケの絵がすごい。いつも赤い目をしてる男が描いた。売り上げは、フィリピンのマニラ、ブラカン、ダヴァオのFNB及び現地の反資本主義活動へ寄付。
海賊放送のラジオ局「バター・クランチ・キッド・ラジオショー」のDJが語る黄色い象の意味は? ロックンロールを愛する人たちに贈る物語。本書は、『12 water stories magazine』2000年12月発行のNO.6 winter issueに掲載された『黄色い象 - Memphis TN 38152 U.S.A.』のオリジナル・バージョン。目に見えない不安、目に見える暴力が渦巻く日々、繊細な心を失わずタフに生きるための勇気を、読む人の心にきっと伝えてくれる。英語訳つき。手作りジンのおまけ付き。
ピンバッヂ9種 各¥100
左上から、■スターバックスいらない ■非戦 ■すべての警官はクソ野郎 ■マック=殺人鬼のメシ ■戦争と戦え、反戦 ■掠 ■反ヒッピー ■レボリューション ■動物解放/人間解放
ニューヨーク市コンドーム ¥カンパで
「NU☆MAN」パッチ ¥50 ~ ¥300
V.A. Noise of Hunger 日本版 ¥700
フィリピン・マニラのFOOD NOT BOMBSをサポートするためのコンピレーションCD「Noise of Hunger」の日本版。ジャケ違い。で、このジャケの絵がすごい。いつも赤い目をしてる男が描いた。売り上げは、フィリピンのマニラ、ブラカン、ダヴァオのFNB及び現地の反資本主義活動へ寄付。
久しぶりにカタログにいろいろ新・再入荷のものをアップしました。2008年度版サパティスタ連帯カレンダーも入荷してます。今年はスペイン(バルセロナ)だけでなく、イギリスの連帯グループのものも。少数なのでお早めに。NO G8ポスターもおすすめ。
(転載) カンパお願いします・・。
渉外担当 八木航
会計担当 豊原直樹
記号11120 番号5502101
渉外担当 八木航
会計担当 豊原直樹
記号11120 番号5502101
2007年12月24日 15:00~ 大通公園4丁目出発
サミット関連で319億円 警備費など155億円計上。
■ライジング・プア 2008 (デモ)
"Poor is beautiful"
クリスマスプレゼントには、no momey life を楽しくするキョートットの本を!
サンタ GO HOME! (サンタはアメリカに帰れ!)
# みなさん、いろいろ(音・プラカード・食べ物)持ってきて下さいね。カセットやipod持ってきて下さったら、好きな音楽も流せます。
山下信子 と Union Extasy (http://extasy07.exblog.jp/)
ベーシック・インカム要求者組合 (http://basicincome.blog29.fc2.com/)
映画+デモ 2007年12月24日(月祝)17:00〜
モ テ る 者 と 持 て な い 者 の 格 差 戦 争
「ドキュメンタリー 素人の乱 amateur riot」
中村友紀監督作品 2007年 105分
12月24日(月・祝)@今泉公園 (福岡市中央区今泉1-8)
上映会 17:00〜衝撃の映画「素人の乱」
地図→ http://tinyurl.com/dd9ly
上映会 17:00〜衝撃の映画「素人の乱」
主催 :フリーター/非正規雇用労働者ユニオンふくおか
★どぶろくを勝手に作るのは違法です。しかし米から酒を作ることが違法行為となるとは一体どういう社会なのか? 酒造法…それは私たちの自由を奪うくだらない法律の象徴。職場の上司、地主、経団連、そして酒造法…それら一切の自由の敵に抵抗し続けて私たちが勝利の祝杯を交わすまで、どぶろく祭は終らない!
★今回のデモでは、打楽器を鳴らして行進することが裏テーマ。あなたの打楽器を熱望! 日没後なのでヒカリモノ(サンマ・サバなどの青魚類は不可)、ダンサー、コスプレ、カンパ、米、味噌等も熱烈大歓迎しています!
その狂乱と騒動の軌跡を記録した映画「素人の乱」をひっさげて、2007年12月、なんとドイツにて上映ツアーを敢行! ドイツ珍道中には、主演の松本哉、新宿のインフォショップIRAの成田圭祐も同行。アナーキストがわんさか待ち構えるドイツ! ビールが水より安いドイツ! 何が起きるかわからない! 珍道中の映像もまとめてお届け!
@ 阿佐ヶ谷LOFT A
12月05日 (水) 「定休日だけど何気に開いてるんデー (by 星珍 from 模索舎)」
12月06日 (木) 「325 Collective デー (by A & T from 325 Collective)」
12月07日 (金) 「325 Collective デー (by A & T from 325 Collective)」
12月08日 (土) 「路上から『居住権』を! 真冬のキャンプアウト行動デー (by Kaos)」
12月09日 (日) 「黒い行商デー (by Acclaim)」
12月10日 (月) 「もさもさパッチ作りか「ベジしょくどう」やっちゃうYO!デー (by yoyo.)」
12月11日 (火) 「帰国5日前にして住むところなくしたデー (by Brian)」
12月12日 (水) 休み
12月13日 (木) 「似顔絵大会デー (by タケシット)」
12月14日 (金) 「ピーポくんと遊ぼうデー (仮) (by tetetetoto)
12月15日 (土) 「Jongのアート・トークするデー (by Jong Pairez & Kaos)」
12月16日 (日) 「また!? もうネタもねぇっすデー (by 祐三)」
12月17日 (月) 「Song for you作るの?デー (仮) (by Toppie!)」
12月18日 (火) 「目が赤いデー (by Red Eye)」
12月19日 (水) 休み
12月06日 (木) 「325 Collective デー (by A & T from 325 Collective)」
12月07日 (金) 「325 Collective デー (by A & T from 325 Collective)」
12月08日 (土) 「路上から『居住権』を! 真冬のキャンプアウト行動デー (by Kaos)」
12月09日 (日) 「黒い行商デー (by Acclaim)」
12月10日 (月) 「もさもさパッチ作りか「ベジしょくどう」やっちゃうYO!デー (by yoyo.)」
12月11日 (火) 「帰国5日前にして住むところなくしたデー (by Brian)」
12月12日 (水) 休み
12月13日 (木) 「似顔絵大会デー (by タケシット)」
12月14日 (金) 「ピーポくんと遊ぼうデー (仮) (by tetetetoto)
12月15日 (土) 「Jongのアート・トークするデー (by Jong Pairez & Kaos)」
12月16日 (日) 「また!? もうネタもねぇっすデー (by 祐三)」
12月17日 (月) 「Song for you作るの?デー (仮) (by Toppie!)」
12月18日 (火) 「目が赤いデー (by Red Eye)」
12月19日 (水) 休み
先週22日にやった「Lumaban at Mabuhay (フィリピン・ソリ・ナイト)」はたいへんいい感じの集まりとなりました。報告はそのうち。
で、その次の日の23日、「ソリ・ナイト」の中でも取り上げられた「日比経済連繋協定 (JPEPA)」という、9月に小泉前首相とアロヨ大統領との間で交わされた協定について、フィリピン・ダヴァオの友人たちが、ダヴァオの日本領事館に対して抗議行動をしました。その時の写真を送ってもらったので、ここに載せます。
「フィリピンは日本の有害ごみ溜め?」Jong Pairez (indymedia)
12月1日(土)(開場 12:30)13:00-21:00 千駄ヶ谷区民会館
JR原宿駅から徒歩10分 神宮前 1-1-10(資料カンパ500円)
第1部 ========================================
(1) 反グローバリズム 13:00~13:45
[報告] 成田圭祐(Irregular Rhythm Asylum、NO! G8 Action)×木下茅(NO! G8 Action)
[報告] 相川陽一(社会学・農業見習い)と若手農業者×抵抗食の会(仮)
[司会] ペペ長谷川(不安定雇用層)
(2) 死刑 14:00~14:30
[話し手] 永井迅(統一獄中者組合)
(3) 原発 14:40~14:55
[報告] アツミマサズミ(平和の白いリボン行動東京グループ)
(4) 反戦 15:05~15:50
[報告] 外間三枝子(沖縄一坪反戦地主会・関東ブロック)×大西一平(立川自衛隊監視テント村)
第2部 ========================================
デモ 16:15~17:40
【進路】 千駄ヶ谷区民会館前→明治通り→青山通り→表参道→原宿駅前→千駄ヶ谷区民会館前 (MAP)
【バンド】 aiena, 赤い疑惑, 宇宙ファイターズ (from 宇宙連絡帳+穴水ファイターズ), THE HAPPENING, VOĈO PROTESTA
【DJ】 meenie (from エスコーラ・ヂ・サラヴァ・オベヤ), ラマダン (from エスコーラ・ヂ・サラヴァ・オベヤ), MIXNOISE (from FZRK), A&M (from 325collective, Marginal Profit), ∞+∞=∞ (from RLL)
第1部 (5) ========================================
労働 18:00~18:45
[報告] 日雇い派遣現場で働く仲間+関根秀一郎(派遣ユニオン)
[司会] 梶屋大輔(グッドウィルユニオン委員長)
第3部 ========================================
プレカリ討論 19:00~20:30
[提起] 赤木智弘(フリーター、双風舎『若者を見殺しにする国』)×海妻径子(岩手大教員、作品社『近代日本の父性論とジェンダー・ポリティクス』)×植本展弘(賃金労働者、『アナキズム』誌編集委員)
[司会] 雨宮処凛(作家)、山口素明(フリーター全般労働組合)
連絡: 東京都新宿区新宿1-30-12-302 新宿事務所気付
TEL: 070-5587-3802 E-mail: war_resisters_fes(at)yahoo.co.jp
http://a.sanpal.co.jp/r-festa/ http://blog.livedoor.jp/r_festa/
12月1日(土)(開場 12:30)13:00-21:00 千駄ヶ谷区民会館
JR原宿駅から徒歩10分 神宮前 1-1-10(資料カンパ500円)
第1部 ========================================
(1) 反グローバリズム 13:00~13:45
[報告] 成田圭祐(Irregular Rhythm Asylum、NO! G8 Action)×木下茅(NO! G8 Action)
[報告] 相川陽一(社会学・農業見習い)と若手農業者×抵抗食の会(仮)
[司会] ペペ長谷川(不安定雇用層)
(2) 死刑 14:00~14:30
[話し手] 永井迅(統一獄中者組合)
(3) 原発 14:40~14:55
[報告] アツミマサズミ(平和の白いリボン行動東京グループ)
(4) 反戦 15:05~15:50
[報告] 外間三枝子(沖縄一坪反戦地主会・関東ブロック)×大西一平(立川自衛隊監視テント村)
第2部 ========================================
デモ 16:15~17:40
【進路】 千駄ヶ谷区民会館前→明治通り→青山通り→表参道→原宿駅前→千駄ヶ谷区民会館前 (MAP)
【バンド】 aiena, 赤い疑惑, 宇宙ファイターズ (from 宇宙連絡帳+穴水ファイターズ), THE HAPPENING, VOĈO PROTESTA
【DJ】 meenie (from エスコーラ・ヂ・サラヴァ・オベヤ), ラマダン (from エスコーラ・ヂ・サラヴァ・オベヤ), MIXNOISE (from FZRK), A&M (from 325collective, Marginal Profit), ∞+∞=∞ (from RLL)
第1部 (5) ========================================
労働 18:00~18:45
[報告] 日雇い派遣現場で働く仲間+関根秀一郎(派遣ユニオン)
[司会] 梶屋大輔(グッドウィルユニオン委員長)
第3部 ========================================
プレカリ討論 19:00~20:30
[提起] 赤木智弘(フリーター、双風舎『若者を見殺しにする国』)×海妻径子(岩手大教員、作品社『近代日本の父性論とジェンダー・ポリティクス』)×植本展弘(賃金労働者、『アナキズム』誌編集委員)
[司会] 雨宮処凛(作家)、山口素明(フリーター全般労働組合)
連絡: 東京都新宿区新宿1-30-12-302 新宿事務所気付
TEL: 070-5587-3802 E-mail: war_resisters_fes(at)yahoo.co.jp
http://a.sanpal.co.jp/r-festa/ http://blog.livedoor.jp/r_festa/
アナキズム文献センター 2008年カレンダー
Anarchy ,
David Rovics ,
G8 Germany ,
IRA item ,
NO G8 Japan ,
Philippine ,
協力=白仁成昭、近藤千波、戸田三三冬、IRREGUAR RHYTHM ASYLUM/デザイン=成田圭祐/編・発=アナキズム文献センター
※ハガキ大カード(×12カ月)です。/1 Januaro 山鹿泰治のアルバムから/2 Februaro コペンハーゲンの自主管理スペース「Ungdomshuset」/3 Marto 大杉栄/4 Aprilo フィリピンの「Food Not Bombs」/5 Majo 岩佐作太郎旧蔵写真より 花巻メーデー/6 Junio 山鹿泰治のアルバムからスペインのアナキスト/7 Julio ドイツ、ロストックにて/8 Augusto デヴィット・ロヴィックス/9 Septembro 大杉栄遺児・伊藤ルイ姉妹/10 Oktobro シドニーのアナキスト・ブックストア/11 Novembro 伊藤ルイ/12 Decenbro ロストック反G8行動/
Lumaban at Mabuhay
-Philippine Soli-Night
@poetry in the kitchen
東京都文京区水道1-2-6 タトルビル2F
Email: poetryinthekitchen(at)y5.dion.ne
☆10月にフィリピンを訪れたIRA・成田氏によるフィリピン訪問のフォト・レポート。フィリピンの路地裏でストリートチルドレンと食べ物を用意するパンクス、FOOD NOT BOMBSコレクティヴの感動的な闘いや、ダヴァオの日本・欧米輸出用のバナナ農園訪問のこと、各地域のアナキストの活動について紹介。
★フィリピンで抵抗して生存する仲間に送るカンパ歓迎!(←フィリピン・ソリ (連帯)・グッズもいろいろ販売/配布する予定)
わたしはアンマンの宿「KODA ホテル」に来るまでは、香田くんがイラクへなんのために行こうとしたか知らなかった。だから、わたしのようにそれらを知らない人のために、ここにそれを紹介したい(香田くんがなぜイラクへ行こうとしたかなど、一部の本や雑誌で言及されている)。
追記1 ヨルダンやシリアには多くのイラクの住む場所を奪われた難民が逃げてきている。私の話したイラク人の医師はアメリカ軍が多くの人々を殺してきたことについて話してくれた。悲しみか怒りのせいか言葉がつまり話が途中で中断してしまった。
そして、その晩、私と数人の日本人とイラク人とアメリカ人とオーストラリア人とドイツ人で、パレスチナ人がアメリカでタクシードライバーとして働くという映画「THE ZIGIZIGI LAND」を観にいった。映画自体はパレスチナ人のタクシードライバーが乗客とのやり取りを通して、アメリカ社会全体の病理をシニカルに鋭く切り開き、イスラエル政府によるパレスチナ人へのアパルトヘイト(隔離政策)を痛烈に批判している。
追記2 レバノンのパレスチナ難民地区へいってきた。銃痕が残る下町を粋のいい子どもたちが走り回っていた。町はさまざまな店でにぎわい活気に溢れていた。町中にパレスチナの旗が揚げられ、そこいらじゅうにパレスチナ解放のポスターが貼ってあった。まだまだ、パレスチナへの帰還への道は終わっていない。世間が勝手に忘れても、彼らはアスファルトを突き抜ける雑草のように生きている。
そこでわたしは一軒のパレスチナ解放グッツ屋にいってきた。さっそくTシャツやパレスチナストールなど数点購入しました。そのうち、IRAに届くと思うので興味のある方是非購入ください!!(届きました! -IRA)
"Koda-kun" by Naoki Shiga
translated by Shiori Yamazaki
There is an inn in Amman in Jordan, where Shosei Koda, who was killed in Iraq, had once stayed. One backpacker set out for Iraq by himself from this inn three years ago.
Iraq has been in a state of invasion by the US Army from the Gulf War up until the present. The US Army has killed countless Iraqis during this invasion. The Japanese government also has dispatched the SDF (Self Defense Force) troops to support the US Army. There are many guerrillas, of course, in Iraq (the US calls guerrillas terrorists), who resist these invading armies.
Under these circumstances, Koda-kun was captured three years ago by the guerillas who were resisting the US army’s invasion. The guerrillas demanded that the Japanese government withdraw the SDF troops from Iraq, as a condition of Koda-kun’s release.
The news about Koda-kun being taken as a hostage spread all over Japan. However, the Japanese government didn’t accept the guerrilla’s demand. And he was killed. Mass communication and public opinion expressed sympathy toward him before he was killed. As soon as he was killed, however, mass communication and public opinion, from the government on down, all of the sudden, started to criticize Koda, depicting him as the bad guy, who had selfishly gone to Iraq. In the end, they tried to deny his entire existence by using the word “jikosekinin [self-responsibility].”
Since that day, I’ve never been able to forget about his death. There are, of course, occasions when I forget, but it’s stuck somewhere in my heart all the time.
Why is that? Is it because I am the same age as him? Or is it because I am a traveler like him? Or is it because I’ve opposed all sorts of wars such as the one being carried out by the US army? Or opposed the Japanese government’s reaction toward him? Or opposed the mass communication and public opinions, who kept insulting him, a man who had already died?
Probably, all of these things have stuck in me. Most of the mass communication didn’t talk about such a thing as “why” he went to Iraq. What on earth did he want to do in Iraq?
The answer was written down on a note, which was left at KODA hotel (Mr. Samer, an employee of the inn where Koda-kun stayed, named it after Koda-kun to mourn him).
Koda-kun wanted to help Iraqi kids who had been hurt by the war, and he tried to look at reality with his own eyes, the reality which TV doesn’t show. And he acted.
There are pictures in the note which Koda-kun passed Mr. Samer before leaving for Iraq.
There are Iraqi children in this picture who have been hurt by the US army’s bombings. (Koda-kun’s family made a copy of this picture and sent it to Mr. Samer later.)
I had no idea for what reason Koda-kun tried to go to Iraq until I came to the inn, “Koda Hotel” in Amman. So, I want to introduce it here for those like me who didn’t know about it. (The reason why he tried to go to Iraq has been referred to in some books and magazines.)
I couldn’t for the life of me forget about Koda-kun’s death. I offered rice hot from the pot and vodka for Koda-kun’s picture, which was decorated in Koda Hotel. Also, I chanted a sutra and said a mass for him. This picture [of Koda-kun] is the one which Koda-kun’s family passed on to Mr. Samer.
Nothing changes, however, even after a fake monk or a high priest holds a mass. The thing that’d change is just my feelings. I just take over his will as I like – his wish to help Iraqi children. And I act to disallow this kind of situation [which is portrayed in the] pictures of Iraqi children, who have been hurt by bombings. I will also live his life as well. I like to think of it in this way.
I can’t help feeling that Koda-kun, who is on trip, is in this inn in Amman. I also feel that he is supporting us who are traveling around the world like him. This might be an illusion, but I feel it is so.
(These notes are the story that I gathered from what Mr. Samer of Koda Hotel told me. I hope you can read it well.)
P.S.1 Many refugees, whose homes in Iraq were taken, have been escaping to Jordan and Syria. The Iraqi doctor who I talked to told me about the many killings by the US Army. Our talk was interrupted because we were at a loss for words, because of either sadness or anger.
And on the same night, a few Japanese, Iraqi, American, Australian, Germans and I went to see a movie called “the Zigizigi Land,” which is about a Palestinian who works as a taxi driver in the US. The movie opens up the pathology of the whole American society, cynically and sharply shown through the conversation between the Palestinian driver and the passengers. It criticizes severely the apartheid toward Palestinians by the Israeli government.
I thought that it is a significant thing to be able to talk about the Palestinian problem through one movie with everyone, as individuals, beyond our nationalities, races, and situations such as being Iraqi, American, Japanese, Australian, or German. I also think that it is [because of] the power of movie or art.
Besides, we all are against the war as individuals when we get rid of our delicate positions. I think that it is the first step to change how each government deals with Palestinian apartheid, Israel’s invasion, and the US Army’s invasion of Iraq, starting with the Japanese government who supports them. Then, if we could take them into our daily lives practically, even it’s slow, I think they would have widespread grassroots support.
P.S. 2 I went to the Palestinian refugee’s area in Lebanon. Kids full of energy were running around downtown among the remains of gunfire. The city was full of life with various kinds of shops. The Palestinian flags were displayed and the posters of Palestine releases were put up all over the town. The road of returning to Palestine hasn’t ended yet. Even if the world forgets when it’s convenient, they’d live like weeds which grow through asphalt.
I went to a shop there which sells Palestine releases. I bought some T-shirts and Palestine stoles. Please purchase them when they get to IRA soon if you are interested. (They are here! IRA)
Labels: Anti-War, Palestine, shiga
Samer notes:
There was a phone call to Cliff Hotel from an Arabian man (I think he is a Taxi driver.) at around 4 in October 19th, 2004.
“There is a Japanese person who wants to go to your hotel. Can you tell me the address?” he said.
Koda came to Cliff Hotel with the driver 5 minutes later.
He didn’t even mention about Iraq at first, but said “I want to stay at a dormitory,” so I took him to his room and was writing his name (check-in). (The interaction around here is a little different from the book by Yuji Shimokawa, but I’ve just recorded the story of Samer himself.) [Yuji Shimokawa wrote a book called “Why Shousei Koda was killed?”]
Then, he suddenly said “I want to go to Iraq. Can you tell me where I can use a service?”
“It is too dangerous to go there by a service,” I said because the people who use a service are only tourists and there is a risk of being targeted.
And Koda said “I have to go.”
I asked the reason, and he said “I want to help Iraqi children. I want to go to Iraq, look at what is going on with my own eyes, and tell the Japanese people when I return to Japan.”
I answered “you can only go by bus if you really want.” He said “OK. Please make a reservation now.” I could have made a reservation if I wanted to, but I thought there’d be a chance that I could stop him, so I lied saying “it’s too late to make a reservation today.” He returned to his room saying “then please make a reservation on tomorrow’s bus.”
It was around 4:30pm when Koda came out from his room and went out to buy a sandwich and ate it at the balcony in the back of reception.
After that, he went back to his room, and after a while, he was looking at an information note standing in front of the bookshelf in the lobby. And he went back to his room right after that.
He looked different from other tourists. (he seemed like he was thinking about something.)
After half an hour, he came out from his room, sat on a chair for a long time in the balcony, and was looking out the street. I was worried about him, so I went out to the balcony and talked to him asking “do you still want to go to Iraq?” He just answered “yes” with a serious face. I asked a guy who was staying at the Cliff hotel at that time to talk to Koda. I wanted him to quit thinking about going to Iraq by talking to a Japanese person.
That guy went out to the balcony, and talked with Koda. I tried to make him comfortable by telling some jokes “haven’t you changed your mind? If you really go to Iraq, you will be on Aljazirra (a news program of a satellite TV company in Qatar.)”
The other guy laughed at it, but Koda didn’t show a smile. He seemed upset.
After that, Koda and that guy talked for a long time. After they finished talking, the Japanese person said “He’s insisting on going to Iraq. No one can stop him.”
Koda woke up at around 10 the next morning (October 20th), asked me “did you make a reservation?” I answered saying “I did it for the bus leaving 6pm,” but it was a lie, because I thought there was a chance I could still stop him. He checked out at noon and was sitting the couch in the lobby, and I asked him many times “you haven’t changed your mind about going to Iraq?” but he said “no, I haven’t.”
I had to make a reservation by 2pm if I needed to make a reservation, so I asked him once again before 2. But he didn’t change his mind about going to Iraq. So, I had to make a reservation for a bus. I couldn’t stop him.
Koda passed me one thing at around 2 or 3 pm saying “please keep this until I get back from Iraq.” It was a stone that he picked up at the Dead Sea, a towel, and pictures of Iraqi children. There were about 10 pictures, and portrayed children who hurt by the war. Koda said “I got them from a Japanese person.”
After he died, I sent them to his family, and they sent me back one copy of the pictures and Koda’s picture. (they are in Samer’s book.)
The picture of children who they sent me was ok. Those pictures were the children who were hurt much worse than that. I think Koda wanted to do something for these kids.
Koda kept reading the information note until the departure, except for a time when he went out. The Japanese man (who talked with Koda last night) and I went to the bus terminal with Koda to see him off at around 5pm. He said “Assalam/Good-bye,” and took off on the bus.
2 hours after we saw him off, I decided to make a phone call to the Japanese Embassy. I said “A Japanese person, who is called ‘Shousei Koda’ left for Iraq 2 hours ago. I don’t think he has reached the border yet. I want you to stop him if possible.” The embassy said just “Thank you for your call. Please let us know if you get some more information.”
After that, I called someone who I know working at a hotel in Bagdad and asked if a Japanese person came or not, but I was told that he hadn’t. I was sure that Koda would go to the hotel because I told him about it, so I called again after a while. Then hft let him stay.”
A person from United Nation, who Mr. Samer knows, called the hotel at around midnight on 26th and said “A Japanese person was captured as a hostage in Iraq. Please watch either Aljazeera or NHK.” I turned on TV, and found Koda, who was surrounded by an armed group. I was so surprised and shocked.
When I found that Koda was captured by the element of al Qaeda lead by Zarqawi, I felt desperate like “if the Japanese government didn’t do anything during the time al Qaeda is demanding, he will be killed for sure.”
After that, people came from the Japanese government (foreign ministry) to Cliff Hotel, and asked me about various kinds of things concerning Koda. But when the three including Takato-san [and Imai-kun] were captured as hostages in Iraq a half years ago [2004], various kinds of people like the foreign ministry, the SDF, the Jordan government, came many times, and asked me many more things, and it was chaos.
But, this time with Koda wasn’t like that.
I’m wondering if they were thinking that he would be rescued like the three, and not be killed. I thought, however, “this is dangerous.” The al Qaeda group who caught Koda was too dangerous.
Later, there were two reports saying “Asian’s dead body was found,” but it wasn’t Koda. But I learned that he was found dead at 10pm on the 30th by the news. There was a phone call from the Japanese government that told me that he had been killed.
2 days later, I received a phone call from his family, and I apologized. They said “it’s not your fault.” When I found out that Koda was killed, I swore that I would name the hotel after Koda when I own it- which is my dream- and never forget about him.
A few months later, I called the Japanese Embassy, and asked them to tell Koda’s family “I want to name the hotel ‘KODA HOTEL’.” 1 week later, his family sent me a fax saying “thank you very much. When you make a hotel, please use his name, either KODA or SHOUSEI is fine.”
But, I was told that the City of Jordan can’t allow me to use “KODA HOTEL.” (I wonder if that was because it’s a personal name or because of the incident.) Actually, there are some procedures to change the name of the hotel which I will take over, and it takes time and money. It is too much, so I will start with the hotel’s name as it is now, but when I have more time and money, I will try to change it to ‘KODA HOTEL.’
But if I could open a hotel, I’ll write ‘KODA HOTEL’ in Japanese under the hotel’s name (so that the city wouldn’t know it.) try not to forget about him ever, and I don’t want people to forget about him.
[the translator’s note: Mr. Samer did open his own hotel whose name is KODA HOTEL on October 1st this year.]
わたしはアンマンの宿「KODA ホテル」に来るまでは、香田くんがイラクへなんのために行こうとしたか知らなかった。だから、わたしのようにそれらを知らない人のために、ここにそれを紹介したい(香田くんがなぜイラクへ行こうとしたかなど、一部の本や雑誌で言及されている)。
追記1 ヨルダンやシリアには多くのイラクの住む場所を奪われた難民が逃げてきている。私の話したイラク人の医師はアメリカ軍が多くの人々を殺してきたことについて話してくれた。悲しみか怒りのせいか言葉がつまり話が途中で中断してしまった。
そして、その晩、私と数人の日本人とイラク人とアメリカ人とオーストラリア人とドイツ人で、パレスチナ人がアメリカでタクシードライバーとして働くという映画「THE ZIGIZIGI LAND」を観にいった。映画自体はパレスチナ人のタクシードライバーが乗客とのやり取りを通して、アメリカ社会全体の病理をシニカルに鋭く切り開き、イスラエル政府によるパレスチナ人へのアパルトヘイト(隔離政策)を痛烈に批判している。
追記2 レバノンのパレスチナ難民地区へいってきた。銃痕が残る下町を粋のいい子どもたちが走り回っていた。町はさまざまな店でにぎわい活気に溢れていた。町中にパレスチナの旗が揚げられ、そこいらじゅうにパレスチナ解放のポスターが貼ってあった。まだまだ、パレスチナへの帰還への道は終わっていない。世間が勝手に忘れても、彼らはアスファルトを突き抜ける雑草のように生きている。
そこでわたしは一軒のパレスチナ解放グッツ屋にいってきた。さっそくTシャツやパレスチナストールなど数点購入しました。そのうち、IRAに届くと思うので興味のある方是非購入ください!!(届きました! -IRA)
"Koda-kun" by Naoki Shiga
translated by Shiori Yamazaki
There is an inn in Amman in Jordan, where Shosei Koda, who was killed in Iraq, had once stayed. One backpacker set out for Iraq by himself from this inn three years ago.
Iraq has been in a state of invasion by the US Army from the Gulf War up until the present. The US Army has killed countless Iraqis during this invasion. The Japanese government also has dispatched the SDF (Self Defense Force) troops to support the US Army. There are many guerrillas, of course, in Iraq (the US calls guerrillas terrorists), who resist these invading armies.
Under these circumstances, Koda-kun was captured three years ago by the guerillas who were resisting the US army’s invasion. The guerrillas demanded that the Japanese government withdraw the SDF troops from Iraq, as a condition of Koda-kun’s release.
The news about Koda-kun being taken as a hostage spread all over Japan. However, the Japanese government didn’t accept the guerrilla’s demand. And he was killed. Mass communication and public opinion expressed sympathy toward him before he was killed. As soon as he was killed, however, mass communication and public opinion, from the government on down, all of the sudden, started to criticize Koda, depicting him as the bad guy, who had selfishly gone to Iraq. In the end, they tried to deny his entire existence by using the word “jikosekinin [self-responsibility].”
Since that day, I’ve never been able to forget about his death. There are, of course, occasions when I forget, but it’s stuck somewhere in my heart all the time.
Why is that? Is it because I am the same age as him? Or is it because I am a traveler like him? Or is it because I’ve opposed all sorts of wars such as the one being carried out by the US army? Or opposed the Japanese government’s reaction toward him? Or opposed the mass communication and public opinions, who kept insulting him, a man who had already died?
Probably, all of these things have stuck in me. Most of the mass communication didn’t talk about such a thing as “why” he went to Iraq. What on earth did he want to do in Iraq?
The answer was written down on a note, which was left at KODA hotel (Mr. Samer, an employee of the inn where Koda-kun stayed, named it after Koda-kun to mourn him).
Koda-kun wanted to help Iraqi kids who had been hurt by the war, and he tried to look at reality with his own eyes, the reality which TV doesn’t show. And he acted.
There are pictures in the note which Koda-kun passed Mr. Samer before leaving for Iraq.
There are Iraqi children in this picture who have been hurt by the US army’s bombings. (Koda-kun’s family made a copy of this picture and sent it to Mr. Samer later.)
I had no idea for what reason Koda-kun tried to go to Iraq until I came to the inn, “Koda Hotel” in Amman. So, I want to introduce it here for those like me who didn’t know about it. (The reason why he tried to go to Iraq has been referred to in some books and magazines.)
I couldn’t for the life of me forget about Koda-kun’s death. I offered rice hot from the pot and vodka for Koda-kun’s picture, which was decorated in Koda Hotel. Also, I chanted a sutra and said a mass for him. This picture [of Koda-kun] is the one which Koda-kun’s family passed on to Mr. Samer.
Nothing changes, however, even after a fake monk or a high priest holds a mass. The thing that’d change is just my feelings. I just take over his will as I like – his wish to help Iraqi children. And I act to disallow this kind of situation [which is portrayed in the] pictures of Iraqi children, who have been hurt by bombings. I will also live his life as well. I like to think of it in this way.
I can’t help feeling that Koda-kun, who is on trip, is in this inn in Amman. I also feel that he is supporting us who are traveling around the world like him. This might be an illusion, but I feel it is so.
(These notes are the story that I gathered from what Mr. Samer of Koda Hotel told me. I hope you can read it well.)
P.S.1 Many refugees, whose homes in Iraq were taken, have been escaping to Jordan and Syria. The Iraqi doctor who I talked to told me about the many killings by the US Army. Our talk was interrupted because we were at a loss for words, because of either sadness or anger.
And on the same night, a few Japanese, Iraqi, American, Australian, Germans and I went to see a movie called “the Zigizigi Land,” which is about a Palestinian who works as a taxi driver in the US. The movie opens up the pathology of the whole American society, cynically and sharply shown through the conversation between the Palestinian driver and the passengers. It criticizes severely the apartheid toward Palestinians by the Israeli government.
I thought that it is a significant thing to be able to talk about the Palestinian problem through one movie with everyone, as individuals, beyond our nationalities, races, and situations such as being Iraqi, American, Japanese, Australian, or German. I also think that it is [because of] the power of movie or art.
Besides, we all are against the war as individuals when we get rid of our delicate positions. I think that it is the first step to change how each government deals with Palestinian apartheid, Israel’s invasion, and the US Army’s invasion of Iraq, starting with the Japanese government who supports them. Then, if we could take them into our daily lives practically, even it’s slow, I think they would have widespread grassroots support.
P.S. 2 I went to the Palestinian refugee’s area in Lebanon. Kids full of energy were running around downtown among the remains of gunfire. The city was full of life with various kinds of shops. The Palestinian flags were displayed and the posters of Palestine releases were put up all over the town. The road of returning to Palestine hasn’t ended yet. Even if the world forgets when it’s convenient, they’d live like weeds which grow through asphalt.
I went to a shop there which sells Palestine releases. I bought some T-shirts and Palestine stoles. Please purchase them when they get to IRA soon if you are interested. (They are here! IRA)
Labels: Anti-War, Palestine, shiga
Samer notes:
There was a phone call to Cliff Hotel from an Arabian man (I think he is a Taxi driver.) at around 4 in October 19th, 2004.
“There is a Japanese person who wants to go to your hotel. Can you tell me the address?” he said.
Koda came to Cliff Hotel with the driver 5 minutes later.
He didn’t even mention about Iraq at first, but said “I want to stay at a dormitory,” so I took him to his room and was writing his name (check-in). (The interaction around here is a little different from the book by Yuji Shimokawa, but I’ve just recorded the story of Samer himself.) [Yuji Shimokawa wrote a book called “Why Shousei Koda was killed?”]
Then, he suddenly said “I want to go to Iraq. Can you tell me where I can use a service?”
“It is too dangerous to go there by a service,” I said because the people who use a service are only tourists and there is a risk of being targeted.
And Koda said “I have to go.”
I asked the reason, and he said “I want to help Iraqi children. I want to go to Iraq, look at what is going on with my own eyes, and tell the Japanese people when I return to Japan.”
I answered “you can only go by bus if you really want.” He said “OK. Please make a reservation now.” I could have made a reservation if I wanted to, but I thought there’d be a chance that I could stop him, so I lied saying “it’s too late to make a reservation today.” He returned to his room saying “then please make a reservation on tomorrow’s bus.”
It was around 4:30pm when Koda came out from his room and went out to buy a sandwich and ate it at the balcony in the back of reception.
After that, he went back to his room, and after a while, he was looking at an information note standing in front of the bookshelf in the lobby. And he went back to his room right after that.
He looked different from other tourists. (he seemed like he was thinking about something.)
After half an hour, he came out from his room, sat on a chair for a long time in the balcony, and was looking out the street. I was worried about him, so I went out to the balcony and talked to him asking “do you still want to go to Iraq?” He just answered “yes” with a serious face. I asked a guy who was staying at the Cliff hotel at that time to talk to Koda. I wanted him to quit thinking about going to Iraq by talking to a Japanese person.
That guy went out to the balcony, and talked with Koda. I tried to make him comfortable by telling some jokes “haven’t you changed your mind? If you really go to Iraq, you will be on Aljazirra (a news program of a satellite TV company in Qatar.)”
The other guy laughed at it, but Koda didn’t show a smile. He seemed upset.
After that, Koda and that guy talked for a long time. After they finished talking, the Japanese person said “He’s insisting on going to Iraq. No one can stop him.”
Koda woke up at around 10 the next morning (October 20th), asked me “did you make a reservation?” I answered saying “I did it for the bus leaving 6pm,” but it was a lie, because I thought there was a chance I could still stop him. He checked out at noon and was sitting the couch in the lobby, and I asked him many times “you haven’t changed your mind about going to Iraq?” but he said “no, I haven’t.”
I had to make a reservation by 2pm if I needed to make a reservation, so I asked him once again before 2. But he didn’t change his mind about going to Iraq. So, I had to make a reservation for a bus. I couldn’t stop him.
Koda passed me one thing at around 2 or 3 pm saying “please keep this until I get back from Iraq.” It was a stone that he picked up at the Dead Sea, a towel, and pictures of Iraqi children. There were about 10 pictures, and portrayed children who hurt by the war. Koda said “I got them from a Japanese person.”
After he died, I sent them to his family, and they sent me back one copy of the pictures and Koda’s picture. (they are in Samer’s book.)
The picture of children who they sent me was ok. Those pictures were the children who were hurt much worse than that. I think Koda wanted to do something for these kids.
Koda kept reading the information note until the departure, except for a time when he went out. The Japanese man (who talked with Koda last night) and I went to the bus terminal with Koda to see him off at around 5pm. He said “Assalam/Good-bye,” and took off on the bus.
2 hours after we saw him off, I decided to make a phone call to the Japanese Embassy. I said “A Japanese person, who is called ‘Shousei Koda’ left for Iraq 2 hours ago. I don’t think he has reached the border yet. I want you to stop him if possible.” The embassy said just “Thank you for your call. Please let us know if you get some more information.”
After that, I called someone who I know working at a hotel in Bagdad and asked if a Japanese person came or not, but I was told that he hadn’t. I was sure that Koda would go to the hotel because I told him about it, so I called again after a while. Then hft let him stay.”
A person from United Nation, who Mr. Samer knows, called the hotel at around midnight on 26th and said “A Japanese person was captured as a hostage in Iraq. Please watch either Aljazeera or NHK.” I turned on TV, and found Koda, who was surrounded by an armed group. I was so surprised and shocked.
When I found that Koda was captured by the element of al Qaeda lead by Zarqawi, I felt desperate like “if the Japanese government didn’t do anything during the time al Qaeda is demanding, he will be killed for sure.”
After that, people came from the Japanese government (foreign ministry) to Cliff Hotel, and asked me about various kinds of things concerning Koda. But when the three including Takato-san [and Imai-kun] were captured as hostages in Iraq a half years ago [2004], various kinds of people like the foreign ministry, the SDF, the Jordan government, came many times, and asked me many more things, and it was chaos.
But, this time with Koda wasn’t like that.
I’m wondering if they were thinking that he would be rescued like the three, and not be killed. I thought, however, “this is dangerous.” The al Qaeda group who caught Koda was too dangerous.
Later, there were two reports saying “Asian’s dead body was found,” but it wasn’t Koda. But I learned that he was found dead at 10pm on the 30th by the news. There was a phone call from the Japanese government that told me that he had been killed.
2 days later, I received a phone call from his family, and I apologized. They said “it’s not your fault.” When I found out that Koda was killed, I swore that I would name the hotel after Koda when I own it- which is my dream- and never forget about him.
A few months later, I called the Japanese Embassy, and asked them to tell Koda’s family “I want to name the hotel ‘KODA HOTEL’.” 1 week later, his family sent me a fax saying “thank you very much. When you make a hotel, please use his name, either KODA or SHOUSEI is fine.”
But, I was told that the City of Jordan can’t allow me to use “KODA HOTEL.” (I wonder if that was because it’s a personal name or because of the incident.) Actually, there are some procedures to change the name of the hotel which I will take over, and it takes time and money. It is too much, so I will start with the hotel’s name as it is now, but when I have more time and money, I will try to change it to ‘KODA HOTEL.’
But if I could open a hotel, I’ll write ‘KODA HOTEL’ in Japanese under the hotel’s name (so that the city wouldn’t know it.) try not to forget about him ever, and I don’t want people to forget about him.
[the translator’s note: Mr. Samer did open his own hotel whose name is KODA HOTEL on October 1st this year.]