これから、2月22日に北京 Temple、23日に上海 Dada、24日に香港 Hiddeen Agenda(!!)とまわって、26日に東中国海(東シナ海)を越えて福岡入り、そこから日本でのツアーがスタートします。福岡 grafでのライブにはIRAも出張します。
その後FilastineとNovaは、3月1日に京都 Metro、2日には今回のツアーのメインとも言える東京でのROMZ主催の
@pool 練馬区桜台1-7-7 シルバービルB2(桜台駅から徒歩2分、練馬駅から徒歩10分)
open 19:00 / start 19:30
Filastine with Nova
伊東篤宏(Atsuhiro Ito)
Rainbow Burritos
Grey Filastine is an audio-visual artist born in Los Angeles, based in Barcelona, and often nomadic. He composes a dense transnational bass music that collides the lowest frequencies of dubstep with the highest-level beat science, acoustic strings, voices, and lofi street noises. The results are “Awesome and delicate… hybrids so fluent they defy classification.” -Pitchfork
Filastine’s debut record, Burn It, was released by DJ Rupture in 2006 to much critical acclaim: “Filled with both jagged edges and moments of sad sweetness… Burn It is sure to win fans across multiple scenes”- XLR8R. The album ricocheted around the world, licensed and re-released by labels in France, Japan, and the US. The follow-up album, Dirty Bomb, dropped in 2009 through an alliance of labels led by French electro-dub imprint Jarring Effects. Prefix Mag called it “the prototype of globalized urban sound… It will devastate your subwoofer.”
Performing up to a hundred concerts per year, Filastine uses percussion to control loops and synchronized video from a heap of electronics wired to an amplified shopping cart. You may have seen him at a sweaty Tokyo nightclub, a football stadium in Casablanca, a respected euro-fest like Sónar, in a parking lot in Borneo, or touring the US with Bassnectar.
Before making electronic music Filastine played with the Infernal Noise Brigade, a marching band he founded for the Battle of Seattle. He continues to use audio as a tool for political intervention with theSound Swarm, an orchestra of bike-mounted megaphones conducted by pirate radios transmitters.
2011 will see the release of a new album and videos that reflect a tighter collaboration with Javanese vocalist Nova Ruth and Lyon-based cellist Amélie Bouard. Expect to find Filastine anywhere, crashing borders and transforming friction into beauty.
1965年生まれ。美術家、OPTRONプレーヤー。98年に蛍光灯の放電ノイズを拾って出力する「音具」、OPTRON を制作、命名。展覧会会場などでライヴを開始する。2000年以降、国内外の展覧会(個展、グループ展等)、音楽フェスティバルなどからの招集を受け、世界各国で展示とライヴ・パフォーマンスをおこなっている。当初、遠隔操作で独立したオブジェクト・スタイルだったOPTRONも数々の改良を重ね、2005年より現在の手持ちの形態となり、所謂サウンドアート的展開からロック〜ジャズ・バンド、ダンスミュージック的アプローチまで、音の大小や空間の規模を問わないそのパフォーマンスで、様々なタイプのサウンド・パフォーマー達やダンサーとの共演、コラボレーションも多数おこなっている。2011年、BLACK SMOKER RECORDS よりアルバム『Midnight Pharmacist』をリリース。
Atsuhiro Ito:
Atsuhiro Ito was born in 1965. He launched his career as a visual artist in the late ’80s, and in ’98 began presenting sound performances at art exhibitions and so on. Ito made use of fluorescent lighting (which is also an element of his art installations) in the creation of an original musical device called the optron. He continues to refine the instrument while approaching sound and music from a contemporary-art-based perspective. In addition to his solo exhibition and performance projects, Ito is active in a number of musical units. One of these is Optrum, the explosively loud “extreme optical noise core band” consisting of Ito and drummer Yoichiro Shin. Between 2000 and 2005 Ito presented various sound (music)/visual image-related events at Off Site, the now-defunct gallery/free space in Yoyogi, Tokyo. The Optrum album Recorded was released in June 2006 on the label Unknownmix (Headz).
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