160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿1-30-12-302
tel:03-3352-6916 | email: info@ira.tokyo
新しいホームページ: http://ira.tokyo
営業時間 13:00〜19:00(月・火・水定休)
1-30-12-302 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 160-0022
tel:03-3352-6916 | email: info@ira.tokyo
website: http://ira.tokyo
Opening Hours 13:00〜19:00 (Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays)
自分も"End Capitalism Organically"というポスターで参加させてもらいましたが、Justseedsによる2010年のポートフォリオが完成してます。
RESOURCEDは、アーティスト協同組合「Justseeds」が企画しハンド・プリントで製作した、2010年のポートフォリオです。 天然資源採取と気候変動に焦点をあてた、26人のアーティストの作品を収めています。シルクスクリーン製のカバーで、作品についての情報を掲載した小冊子も同封しています。
この数世紀のあいだ、産業は利益を生む商品に変換できる天然資源を求め、無数の共同体を排除し、毒を含んだ危険で荒れ果てた環境を残しながら、地球を掘り返し続けています。 消費者が、より快適なライフスタイルを実験している間に、地球人口の大部分の人びとが、産業と技術的な「進歩」がもたらした環境の悪化に直面させられています。このような、気候変動と果てしない資本主義の追求によってもたらされる不平等は、さらに不安定な生態系を生むことになるでしょう。すでに、何千種の生物が絶滅、または絶滅の危機に瀕しており、何百万もの人びとが、自分たちの土地を追いやられ、政治的、環境的的、経済的に危険な状況にあります。
RESOURCED is a portfolio of hand-produced prints organized and created by by the Justseeds Artists' Cooperative in 2010. It focuses on resource extraction and climate issues, and includes 26 artist prints, with screenprinted covers and front sheet, as well as a booklet with additional information (which also has a screenprinted cover).
For centuries now, industries have been mining the globe in search of raw materials that can be converted into profitable commodities, displacing innumerable communities and leaving in their wake toxic, hazardous, and ecologically devastated environments. While consumers experiment with greener lifestyles, the majority of the globe’s population is left to deal with the ecological fallout of industrial and technological “progress.” These are inequalities that only stand to increase as climate change and the unending capitalist pursuit of natural resources produce even more precarious ecologies. Already, thousands upon thousands of species are extinct or endangered, and millions upon millions of people have been thrust off of their land and into ecologically, politically, and economically hazardous conditions.
This is an “exhibition in a book,” a teaching tool, a collection of reproducible graphics for activists and organizers, and a dialogue starter for community spaces, schools, conferences, and galleries. It can be used to help ask important questions about our environment:
* Who benefits from the extraction of natural resources and who pays the costs?
* Are there viable possibilities for alternative energy sources?
* Is it possible to distribute energy more equitably?
* What does resistance to Western and corporate climate policies look like?
* What role can workers in resource and energy sectors play in this resistance?
* How does environmental devastation effect different communities along the lines of race, class, and gender?
The artists with prints in the portfolio are:
Amor y Resistencia
Santiago Armengod
Kevin Caplicki
Tom Civil
Alejandra Delfin
Design Action Collective
Molly Fair
Thea Gahr
Jesse Goldstein
Nicolas Lampert
Josh MacPhee
Juan Martinez
Colin Matthes
Keisuke Narita
Roger Peet
Jesse Purcell
Favianna Rodriguez
Erik Ruin
Shaun Slifer
Chris Stain
Meredith Stern
Mary Tremonte
Pete Yahnke
Bec Young
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