160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿1-30-12-302
tel:03-3352-6916 | email: info@ira.tokyo
新しいホームページ: http://ira.tokyo
営業時間 13:00〜19:00(月・火・水定休)
1-30-12-302 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 160-0022
tel:03-3352-6916 | email: info@ira.tokyo
website: http://ira.tokyo
Opening Hours 13:00〜19:00 (Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays)
先週末、コペンハーゲンで暴動が発生。この6年の間で一番デカイものだったらしい。20年前からアーティストやアクティヴィストたちに愛されてきたUngdomshusetというスペースが、極右クリスチャン・セクトに勝手に売られ、いままで愛用してきた人々が排除されようとしていることが発端。Ungdomshusetを支持するためのReclaim The Streetデモのあと、暴動に発展。268人が逮捕された。
More than 260 arrests in Copenhagen during a demonstration of "Solidarity with Ungomshuset"
Crimethinc. Blogより。
Crimethinc.の雑誌Rolling Thunderの次号に、ステンシル・デザインとグラフィティ・アートのギャラリーを設けるとのこと。あなたのステンシル・デザインやグラフィティ・アートを送ってみましょう。emailの場合は高解像度のイメージを、rollingthunder@crimethinc.comまで。郵送の場合は、Rolling Thunder, P.O. Box 2133, Greensboro, NC 27402, U$Aまで。
Banksyを鑑賞するな、Banksyになれ。Stop just watching Banksy. Vandalism needs you!
Call for Stencil Designs and Graffiti Art
The forthcoming fourth issue of our magazine Rolling Thunder will feature a gallery of graffiti photographs and stencil designs ready to cut out and apply. If you have photos of exciting graffiti or stencil designs you would like to share with the world, please email us at rollingthunder@crimethinc.com or mail them to us at Rolling Thunder, P.O. Box 2133, Greensboro, NC 27402. We need the images to be high-resolution—contact us if you have questions about format. Please do make an effort to help us with this if you’re so inclined—vandalism needs you!
Crimethinc.の雑誌Rolling Thunderの次号に、ステンシル・デザインとグラフィティ・アートのギャラリーを設けるとのこと。あなたのステンシル・デザインやグラフィティ・アートを送ってみましょう。emailの場合は高解像度のイメージを、rollingthunder@crimethinc.comまで。郵送の場合は、Rolling Thunder, P.O. Box 2133, Greensboro, NC 27402, U$Aまで。
Banksyを鑑賞するな、Banksyになれ。Stop just watching Banksy. Vandalism needs you!
Call for Stencil Designs and Graffiti Art
The forthcoming fourth issue of our magazine Rolling Thunder will feature a gallery of graffiti photographs and stencil designs ready to cut out and apply. If you have photos of exciting graffiti or stencil designs you would like to share with the world, please email us at rollingthunder@crimethinc.com or mail them to us at Rolling Thunder, P.O. Box 2133, Greensboro, NC 27402. We need the images to be high-resolution—contact us if you have questions about format. Please do make an effort to help us with this if you’re so inclined—vandalism needs you!
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若者と労働 〜『「ニート」って言うな!』から考える〜
世の中いったいどうなってんのか? どう生きていったらいいんか? 熱く語り合おう。会場でお会いしましょう。深夜はDJ vaggy──「ニート」ミッドナイト──でENJOY・DANCE・TALK!
講師:本田由紀さん(1994年日本労働研究機構研究員 2001年東京大学社会科 学研究所助教授 『「ニート」って言うな!』(光文社新書)共著者)
ゲスト:グレフルさん(元フリーター全般労組)、保坂展人さん(国会議員/ ジャーナリスト)
日時:10月3日(火)19時開場 トークイベント終了後、22時頃から朝までDJイベント
場所:HemTie (恵比寿駅下車明治通り 渋谷区東2-20-16-B1 03-5466-6808)
いま私たちのまわりには、いろいろなかたちの不安定な雇用形態がいっぱいです。皆多かれ少なかれ不安定と共に生きていらっしゃるわけですよね。不安定さ の拡大 は、正社員とされている人たちにも様々な影響を及ぼしていると思われ ます。
「ニート」という言葉は、何となく流行り、定着してしまっているようです。 講師の本田さんは、あいまいなままに一人歩きし、現実の社会に様々な波紋を広げているこの言葉について、「ニートって言うな!」と提起し、もっときちんと考えようよ!という呼びかけをしている方です。この呼びかけに応えるイベントを行いたいと思います。ゲストには元フリーター全般労組のグレフルさんと、10 〜20代の時に数多くのアルバイトを経験し、現在も若者や中高生の問題に取り組むジャーナリストであり衆議院議員でもある保坂展人さん(社民党)をお招きし、活動のなかで考えたことを語っていただきます。
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若者と労働 〜『「ニート」って言うな!』から考える〜
世の中いったいどうなってんのか? どう生きていったらいいんか? 熱く語り合おう。会場でお会いしましょう。深夜はDJ vaggy──「ニート」ミッドナイト──でENJOY・DANCE・TALK!
講師:本田由紀さん(1994年日本労働研究機構研究員 2001年東京大学社会科 学研究所助教授 『「ニート」って言うな!』(光文社新書)共著者)
ゲスト:グレフルさん(元フリーター全般労組)、保坂展人さん(国会議員/ ジャーナリスト)
日時:10月3日(火)19時開場 トークイベント終了後、22時頃から朝までDJイベント
場所:HemTie (恵比寿駅下車明治通り 渋谷区東2-20-16-B1 03-5466-6808)
いま私たちのまわりには、いろいろなかたちの不安定な雇用形態がいっぱいです。皆多かれ少なかれ不安定と共に生きていらっしゃるわけですよね。不安定さ の拡大 は、正社員とされている人たちにも様々な影響を及ぼしていると思われ ます。
「ニート」という言葉は、何となく流行り、定着してしまっているようです。 講師の本田さんは、あいまいなままに一人歩きし、現実の社会に様々な波紋を広げているこの言葉について、「ニートって言うな!」と提起し、もっときちんと考えようよ!という呼びかけをしている方です。この呼びかけに応えるイベントを行いたいと思います。ゲストには元フリーター全般労組のグレフルさんと、10 〜20代の時に数多くのアルバイトを経験し、現在も若者や中高生の問題に取り組むジャーナリストであり衆議院議員でもある保坂展人さん(社民党)をお招きし、活動のなかで考えたことを語っていただきます。
小泉首相は21日、入学式や卒業式で日の丸に向かっての起立や君が代斉唱を強制したことを違憲とした判決について「法律以前の問題じゃないでしょうかね。人間として、国旗や国歌に敬意を表すというのは」と述べ、疑問を投げかけた。思想・良心の自由については「裁判でよく判断していただきたい」と述べるにとどめた。(毎日新聞) - 9月21日21時13分更新
Check out the Adrienne's post also (in english)
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「ウィーン・アンダーグラウンド pt.2」
by waterr (withyoureyedea(at)hotmail.com)
前回紹介したTotal Chaos(このBLOGの8/22のエントリー参照)のDJ DBH関係で面白いニュースが!
普通ならば、「こんなことやって、バカじゃないか」と白けて終わりそうなところですが、そうじゃない。リベラル系有力紙「Der Standerd」とオーストリアHIPHOP最大のWEBSITE「hiphop.at」が共催で、この男シュトラッヘを「DISS」するコンテストをただちに開催。22日にファイナル。
Total ChaosのDJ DBHも、ラップ用のビートを提供しています。
Whizz Vienna mit "Beef" [download]
DJ Tapiresque mit "Die Wahlkampfwalze" [download]
DBH mit "Gebt ihm Saures" [download]
flip-o-mat mit "Stop playin" [download]
Toxic mit "So nicht Freundchen" [download]
Selbstlaut mit "Monk" [download]
Chriz Biz mit "Oriental" [download]
Phlow mit "Sonderbar" [download]
Chris Chronic mit "Strache Diss" [download]
PS: HIPHOP AGAINST RACISM! の手本のようなアルバムがでた!NYのDEFINITIVEJUXからボストンのMr.LIFのニューアルバム「MO’MEGA」。「MOはアメリカの黒人奴隷のスラングを表し、MEGAは僕らの住んでいる超近代化された世界を表す。生活のコストが急激にあがるにつれ、僕らの多くはマイペースでやっていくことの難しさに気がついている。僕は、MOという言葉は、人種を超えて、エリート・レベルの富にたどり着けない大衆のことを述べているという気がする。MO’MEGAは、奴隷とエリートが互いのあいだに共通の基盤をもたずに並存していることだ」、というコンセプトのこのアルバム。ファストフード産業やら、ブッシュ政権、クリントン政権にもさかのぼり、アメリカの病理をあばくMr.Lifのラップに、EL-Pの凶暴なビートがはまりまくり。ゲストもAKROBATIK, BLUEPRINT, MURS, AESOP ROCKと絶好調に反社会的な連中が集いまくり。GO!
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「ウィーン・アンダーグラウンド pt.2」
by waterr (withyoureyedea(at)hotmail.com)
前回紹介したTotal Chaos(このBLOGの8/22のエントリー参照)のDJ DBH関係で面白いニュースが!
普通ならば、「こんなことやって、バカじゃないか」と白けて終わりそうなところですが、そうじゃない。リベラル系有力紙「Der Standerd」とオーストリアHIPHOP最大のWEBSITE「hiphop.at」が共催で、この男シュトラッヘを「DISS」するコンテストをただちに開催。22日にファイナル。
Total ChaosのDJ DBHも、ラップ用のビートを提供しています。
Whizz Vienna mit "Beef" [download]
DJ Tapiresque mit "Die Wahlkampfwalze" [download]
DBH mit "Gebt ihm Saures" [download]
flip-o-mat mit "Stop playin" [download]
Toxic mit "So nicht Freundchen" [download]
Selbstlaut mit "Monk" [download]
Chriz Biz mit "Oriental" [download]
Phlow mit "Sonderbar" [download]
Chris Chronic mit "Strache Diss" [download]
PS: HIPHOP AGAINST RACISM! の手本のようなアルバムがでた!NYのDEFINITIVEJUXからボストンのMr.LIFのニューアルバム「MO’MEGA」。「MOはアメリカの黒人奴隷のスラングを表し、MEGAは僕らの住んでいる超近代化された世界を表す。生活のコストが急激にあがるにつれ、僕らの多くはマイペースでやっていくことの難しさに気がついている。僕は、MOという言葉は、人種を超えて、エリート・レベルの富にたどり着けない大衆のことを述べているという気がする。MO’MEGAは、奴隷とエリートが互いのあいだに共通の基盤をもたずに並存していることだ」、というコンセプトのこのアルバム。ファストフード産業やら、ブッシュ政権、クリントン政権にもさかのぼり、アメリカの病理をあばくMr.Lifのラップに、EL-Pの凶暴なビートがはまりまくり。ゲストもAKROBATIK, BLUEPRINT, MURS, AESOP ROCKと絶好調に反社会的な連中が集いまくり。GO!
Free the Sagada 9
IRAのトップページにバナーをずっと貼りっぱなしですが、フィリピンの「FREE SAGADA 11 (現9) キャンペーン」は継続してます。「FREE SAGADA 11 (現9) キャンペーン」とは、ヒッチハイクで旅をしていた、下は15才、上は25才までの計11名のアナルコ・パンクスやFOOD NOT BOMBSのアクティヴィストたちが、ルソン島北部サガダで検問に会い、警察によって「フィリピン新人民軍」のメンバーだと決めつけられ逮捕、そしていまだに勾留され続けていることに対する抗議のキャンペーンです。
すでに未成年の2名(15才と16才)は釈放されていますが、9名はいまだ勾留されています。なので、現在は「FREE SAGADA 9キャンペーン」と呼ぶのが正しいです。
上のビデオは、「SAGADA 9」のうちの一人のインタビュー映像。タガログ語で話しているため内容は分かりませんが、どういう人が、どういう所に、どういう状態で監禁されているのかは分かります。理由もなくここに監禁されてもうすでに7ヶ月。辛いでしょう。でも友達と会えて嬉しそうでもあります。ついでに、日本じゃまった考えられないこういう撮影が、フィリピンではいちおうOKらしいということで、「へー」とも思いました。
Free The Sagada 11
ELEVEN Punks and FoodNotBombs activists were arrested and tortured while on their way to Sagada Mountain Province on a Hitch-hike. They were wrongly accused with criminal charges (homicide and robbery) by Military and Police who were hunting down Maoist Armed Rebels in the area. As the Sagada 11 group’s friends, comrades, fellow musicians, and peace-loving people who respect human rights, we demand for: 1. The immediate and unconditional release of the Sagada 11 2. A public apology to be issued to the victims and their families 3. The termination of the responsible people from their duties as police officers and government workers, whether they are directly or indirectly involved.
Updates on the Sagada 11 Backpackers
UPDATE: Two of 11 Sagada-bound Backpackers Freed! According to the report by Bulatlat.com the 2 backpackers are 'beneficiaries of the new Republic Act No. 9344, the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006. The law, which took effect on May 22, exempts minors from criminal liability.
Click here for writings from prison | reminiscence post by hometown companions | Stop police repression & brutality | Interview With Ann (External link) | Fotos from La Trinidad now available @ the Media Gallery
The battle is not over yet, it has only begun...
FRONTLINE NEWS: Anarkopunx staged protest action to commemorate the International Day Against Torture Victims! | Plot to kill arrested FNB activist revealed
GET INVOLVE NOW: Free Sagada 11 International Solidarity Action
direct your feedback to: a-manila (at) lists.resist.ca
IRAのトップページにバナーをずっと貼りっぱなしですが、フィリピンの「FREE SAGADA 11 (現9) キャンペーン」は継続してます。「FREE SAGADA 11 (現9) キャンペーン」とは、ヒッチハイクで旅をしていた、下は15才、上は25才までの計11名のアナルコ・パンクスやFOOD NOT BOMBSのアクティヴィストたちが、ルソン島北部サガダで検問に会い、警察によって「フィリピン新人民軍」のメンバーだと決めつけられ逮捕、そしていまだに勾留され続けていることに対する抗議のキャンペーンです。
すでに未成年の2名(15才と16才)は釈放されていますが、9名はいまだ勾留されています。なので、現在は「FREE SAGADA 9キャンペーン」と呼ぶのが正しいです。
上のビデオは、「SAGADA 9」のうちの一人のインタビュー映像。タガログ語で話しているため内容は分かりませんが、どういう人が、どういう所に、どういう状態で監禁されているのかは分かります。理由もなくここに監禁されてもうすでに7ヶ月。辛いでしょう。でも友達と会えて嬉しそうでもあります。ついでに、日本じゃまった考えられないこういう撮影が、フィリピンではいちおうOKらしいということで、「へー」とも思いました。
Free The Sagada 11
ELEVEN Punks and FoodNotBombs activists were arrested and tortured while on their way to Sagada Mountain Province on a Hitch-hike. They were wrongly accused with criminal charges (homicide and robbery) by Military and Police who were hunting down Maoist Armed Rebels in the area. As the Sagada 11 group’s friends, comrades, fellow musicians, and peace-loving people who respect human rights, we demand for: 1. The immediate and unconditional release of the Sagada 11 2. A public apology to be issued to the victims and their families 3. The termination of the responsible people from their duties as police officers and government workers, whether they are directly or indirectly involved.
Updates on the Sagada 11 Backpackers
UPDATE: Two of 11 Sagada-bound Backpackers Freed! According to the report by Bulatlat.com the 2 backpackers are 'beneficiaries of the new Republic Act No. 9344, the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006. The law, which took effect on May 22, exempts minors from criminal liability.
Click here for writings from prison | reminiscence post by hometown companions | Stop police repression & brutality | Interview With Ann (External link) | Fotos from La Trinidad now available @ the Media Gallery
The battle is not over yet, it has only begun...
FRONTLINE NEWS: Anarkopunx staged protest action to commemorate the International Day Against Torture Victims! | Plot to kill arrested FNB activist revealed
GET INVOLVE NOW: Free Sagada 11 International Solidarity Action
direct your feedback to: a-manila (at) lists.resist.ca
Ride Bike!
愛用のスケジュール帳SLINGSHOT ORGANIZER(来年度版もそろそろ入荷します)によれば、1899年の昨日9月13日は、アメリカで自動車による最初の犠牲者(死者)が出た日、とのことなので、簡単に記念の呼びかけ。
No copyright by KN
愛用のスケジュール帳SLINGSHOT ORGANIZER(来年度版もそろそろ入荷します)によれば、1899年の昨日9月13日は、アメリカで自動車による最初の犠牲者(死者)が出た日、とのことなので、簡単に記念の呼びかけ。
No copyright by KN
「PEACE NOT WAR JAPAN」CDが入荷。このCDは、イギリスで設立されたPEACE NOT WARの日本支部が、日本における平和活動団体の支援をすべく作ったベネフィット・コンピレーションCD。ソウル・フラワー・ユニオン、寿、Cheryo and The Berovolas、Bhang Lassi/Captain Funk、琉球アンダーグラウンド、Dry and Heavy、Quante Jubila、Raw Rec、Hope(feat MON)、Unused、And More、KP、の計12アーティストが参加。このCDは、日本の様々な平和団体への基金を集めるためにも役立てられ、特に財源が不足している団体のために優先的に使われる、のだそうです。あわせて、本家PEACE NOT WARによる「PEACE NOT WAR vol.1」と「PEACE NOT WAR vol.2も」入荷してます。ご注文はコチラ。
また、「PEACE NOT WAR JAPAN」CDのリリース・パーティーが、9月9日に六本木SUPER DELUXEで行われます。IRAもブースを出す予定。11時以降は入場無料らしい。以下参照。
「Peace Not War Japan CD Release Party and Peace Fair」
9th Sep (Sat), Super Deluxe, Roppongi.
20:00 >> 2:00 | 2500 yen (1 drink in)
Live music, DJ sets, dance performance, video presentation, peace group info, peace group and social issues tables, and more…
ACTS: Bhang Lassi、Young Jeff、DJ Bertie B、Megumi Dance Duo、KP、Cheryo
VJ: SpinDry
また、「PEACE NOT WAR JAPAN」CDのリリース・パーティーが、9月9日に六本木SUPER DELUXEで行われます。IRAもブースを出す予定。11時以降は入場無料らしい。以下参照。
「Peace Not War Japan CD Release Party and Peace Fair」
9th Sep (Sat), Super Deluxe, Roppongi.
20:00 >> 2:00 | 2500 yen (1 drink in)
Live music, DJ sets, dance performance, video presentation, peace group info, peace group and social issues tables, and more…
ACTS: Bhang Lassi、Young Jeff、DJ Bertie B、Megumi Dance Duo、KP、Cheryo
VJ: SpinDry
Mercadona, S.A.
C/ Valencia, nº 5
Tavernes Blanques
BIC (Swift): CAIXESBBXXX 2100 1183 3501 0050 5773
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(en) Spain: CNT Mercadona Union Section needs solidarity
Date Sat, 02 Sep 2006 12:31:06 +0300
Dear comrades, as you already are aware, workers and members of the Spanish anarcho-syndicalist union CNT-AIT are on strike in the logistic centre in Barcelona of the supermarkets "Mercadona" for more than 150 days.
It is one of the longest strikes in Catalonia in the recent decades.
Currently the CNT is involved in struggles with Mercadona all over Spain. However, the most important and difficult struggle is our strike at the logistic centre in Barcelona.
The workers and our comrades in Mercadona need your solidarity.
Mercadona is big and powerful. They have 20 police officers of the "Guardia Civil" - a state paramilitary security force - guarding the logistic center. Mercadona is able to make the local government forbid worker demonstrations and actions. The company is also able to suppress
or to manipulate notices in the public press etc.
However, with our struggle and never-ending actions (visit www.cnt.es/mercacosa or http://barcelona.cnt.es) we nearly achieved in negotiations with responsible company representatives an acceptable solution to end the strike. Nevertheless, Mercadona wanted to dismiss all the strikers by offering a 300.000 Euros buyout. The striker's general assembly rejected this offer and proclaimed: "They can't buy us off"
With this turn of events, we have resumed our efforts in putting more pressure on the company. Our actions will not be limited to Spain. We are also trying to make public this struggle and inform and engage workers all over the world. We have set up a propaganda commission who are translating notices in several languages like Esperanto, English, French and German.
Even though Mercadona only exists in Spain, we think that this struggle should be known worldwide as an example of how it is possible to organize to defend our interests and dignity as workers.
The CNT - Mercadona Union Section asks comrades and their organizations to help us win this strike. You can do so as follows:
- Send solidarity mails to the workers: cnt(at)badalona.cnt.es and
- Send protest letters to the company:
Mercadona, S.A.
C/ Valencia, nº 5
Tavernes Blanques
- Send letters to the Spanish embassy asking about the conflict
- Make some kind of peaceful protest action at Spanish embassies and consulates (or at the "Instiuto Cervante"
- By donating money to the strikers and their families (they're running short):
BIC (Swift): CAIXESBBXXX 2100 1183 3501 0050 5773
- Publicizing our struggle in the press and amongst worker and community organizations in your
your country.
For further information in English, go to our website: http://barcelona.cnt.es/?p=233)
We are in an important stage of this struggle. We have to put more pressure on Mercadona in order to win. The strike is going on for more than 150 days. The CNT-Mercadona strikers need as much moral and economic support as we can get from workers around the world.
We will win this struggle!
Anarcho-syndicalist greetings,
(militant of the Local Federation of Badalona and member of the news crew of the support commission of the strike in Mercadona)
Mercadona makes "buyout" offer to the Permanent Secretariat of CNT for the dismissal of all strikers on the 140th day on strike
Workers reject buyout offer. Workers respond with a protest action on Wednesday, August 9th.
Members of the Permanent Secretariat of the National Confederation of Labor (CNT) reached a tentative agreement with the Director of Human Resources and the Director of Labor Relations of Mercadona on Saturday, 5th of August in Madrid. The tentative agreement was going to be ratified by the workers on Tuesday, August 8th in Seville. The agreement would have ended the strike. Nevertheless, Mercadona took a "spectacular" turn on the same day trying to "buyout" the workers for 300.000 Euros.
On August 8th the General Secretary and the Secretary for Union Action of the National Committee of CNT, Rafael Corrales and Antonio Baena, had a new meeting with the General Director of Human Resources and the Director of Labor Relations of Mercadona, José Antonio Jiménez and Antonio Muñoz, in the Hotel "AC Santa Justa" in Seville in order to finalize the agreement. The outline of the agreement was achieved the previous Saturday at the Hotel "NH National" in Madrid. The agreement was supposed to be - apart from the other tentative agreements - an acceptable solution for the workers of the logistic centre of Mercadona in Sant Sadurni D'Anoia (Barcelona) who have been on strike since the 23rd of March.
Nevertheless, according to the CNT, both directors of Mercadona disregarded the previously agreed upon terms and offered instead the sum of 50 millions pesetas as a buyout. This buyout would have led to the dismissal of all strikers. This break in the negotiations is unacceptable to the CNT. The CNT rejects the "buying off" of the strikers which negates the dignity of the workers.
Regarding the senseless actions of both directors, the CNT holds Mercadona directly and solely responsible for the annoyances caused by protests suffered by our neighbors in Barcelona and the province of Catalonia.
During the last negotiation session, all open points were agreed to and Mercadona knows about the irregularities of their actions. The strikers have denounced such Mercadona actions. The recent actions by Mercadona came as a surprise to the CNT. The company wants to buy with millions of pesetas our fundamental right strike and our human dignity, which we reject.
The CNT bears in mind that the workers went on strike because of the dismissals of three workers (which the labor courts have since declared illegal); the recognition of the union section of CNT and agreement on minor improvements such as paid lunch breaks and clean and sanitary working conditions
After rejecting the "buyout", the workers returned the next day and organized protests in Barcelona with a demonstration, which began at 6 o'clock on "Plaza de España" and terminated in the corner of the streets "Sants" and "Badal".
National Confederation of Labour / CNT-AIT
Permanent Secretariat of the National Comitee
For information in Spanish (and some English) visit the Barcelona CNT
Mercadona, S.A.
C/ Valencia, nº 5
Tavernes Blanques
BIC (Swift): CAIXESBBXXX 2100 1183 3501 0050 5773
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(en) Spain: CNT Mercadona Union Section needs solidarity
Date Sat, 02 Sep 2006 12:31:06 +0300
Dear comrades, as you already are aware, workers and members of the Spanish anarcho-syndicalist union CNT-AIT are on strike in the logistic centre in Barcelona of the supermarkets "Mercadona" for more than 150 days.
It is one of the longest strikes in Catalonia in the recent decades.
Currently the CNT is involved in struggles with Mercadona all over Spain. However, the most important and difficult struggle is our strike at the logistic centre in Barcelona.
The workers and our comrades in Mercadona need your solidarity.
Mercadona is big and powerful. They have 20 police officers of the "Guardia Civil" - a state paramilitary security force - guarding the logistic center. Mercadona is able to make the local government forbid worker demonstrations and actions. The company is also able to suppress
or to manipulate notices in the public press etc.
However, with our struggle and never-ending actions (visit www.cnt.es/mercacosa or http://barcelona.cnt.es) we nearly achieved in negotiations with responsible company representatives an acceptable solution to end the strike. Nevertheless, Mercadona wanted to dismiss all the strikers by offering a 300.000 Euros buyout. The striker's general assembly rejected this offer and proclaimed: "They can't buy us off"
With this turn of events, we have resumed our efforts in putting more pressure on the company. Our actions will not be limited to Spain. We are also trying to make public this struggle and inform and engage workers all over the world. We have set up a propaganda commission who are translating notices in several languages like Esperanto, English, French and German.
Even though Mercadona only exists in Spain, we think that this struggle should be known worldwide as an example of how it is possible to organize to defend our interests and dignity as workers.
The CNT - Mercadona Union Section asks comrades and their organizations to help us win this strike. You can do so as follows:
- Send solidarity mails to the workers: cnt(at)badalona.cnt.es and
- Send protest letters to the company:
Mercadona, S.A.
C/ Valencia, nº 5
Tavernes Blanques
- Send letters to the Spanish embassy asking about the conflict
- Make some kind of peaceful protest action at Spanish embassies and consulates (or at the "Instiuto Cervante"
- By donating money to the strikers and their families (they're running short):
BIC (Swift): CAIXESBBXXX 2100 1183 3501 0050 5773
- Publicizing our struggle in the press and amongst worker and community organizations in your
your country.
For further information in English, go to our website: http://barcelona.cnt.es/?p=233)
We are in an important stage of this struggle. We have to put more pressure on Mercadona in order to win. The strike is going on for more than 150 days. The CNT-Mercadona strikers need as much moral and economic support as we can get from workers around the world.
We will win this struggle!
Anarcho-syndicalist greetings,
(militant of the Local Federation of Badalona and member of the news crew of the support commission of the strike in Mercadona)
Mercadona makes "buyout" offer to the Permanent Secretariat of CNT for the dismissal of all strikers on the 140th day on strike
Workers reject buyout offer. Workers respond with a protest action on Wednesday, August 9th.
Members of the Permanent Secretariat of the National Confederation of Labor (CNT) reached a tentative agreement with the Director of Human Resources and the Director of Labor Relations of Mercadona on Saturday, 5th of August in Madrid. The tentative agreement was going to be ratified by the workers on Tuesday, August 8th in Seville. The agreement would have ended the strike. Nevertheless, Mercadona took a "spectacular" turn on the same day trying to "buyout" the workers for 300.000 Euros.
On August 8th the General Secretary and the Secretary for Union Action of the National Committee of CNT, Rafael Corrales and Antonio Baena, had a new meeting with the General Director of Human Resources and the Director of Labor Relations of Mercadona, José Antonio Jiménez and Antonio Muñoz, in the Hotel "AC Santa Justa" in Seville in order to finalize the agreement. The outline of the agreement was achieved the previous Saturday at the Hotel "NH National" in Madrid. The agreement was supposed to be - apart from the other tentative agreements - an acceptable solution for the workers of the logistic centre of Mercadona in Sant Sadurni D'Anoia (Barcelona) who have been on strike since the 23rd of March.
Nevertheless, according to the CNT, both directors of Mercadona disregarded the previously agreed upon terms and offered instead the sum of 50 millions pesetas as a buyout. This buyout would have led to the dismissal of all strikers. This break in the negotiations is unacceptable to the CNT. The CNT rejects the "buying off" of the strikers which negates the dignity of the workers.
Regarding the senseless actions of both directors, the CNT holds Mercadona directly and solely responsible for the annoyances caused by protests suffered by our neighbors in Barcelona and the province of Catalonia.
During the last negotiation session, all open points were agreed to and Mercadona knows about the irregularities of their actions. The strikers have denounced such Mercadona actions. The recent actions by Mercadona came as a surprise to the CNT. The company wants to buy with millions of pesetas our fundamental right strike and our human dignity, which we reject.
The CNT bears in mind that the workers went on strike because of the dismissals of three workers (which the labor courts have since declared illegal); the recognition of the union section of CNT and agreement on minor improvements such as paid lunch breaks and clean and sanitary working conditions
After rejecting the "buyout", the workers returned the next day and organized protests in Barcelona with a demonstration, which began at 6 o'clock on "Plaza de España" and terminated in the corner of the streets "Sants" and "Badal".
National Confederation of Labour / CNT-AIT
Permanent Secretariat of the National Comitee
For information in Spanish (and some English) visit the Barcelona CNT
On 16th September, there is a demonstration/street party demanding abolish the house rent. The march goes from Nakano to Koenji. If you wanna participate to it, come to Nakano-eki Kitaguchi Koen at 3pm. It'll be absolutely fun!
Check this too:
"Abolish Rent! And Dare to Imagine as Much as You Can!" by Adrienne
On 16th September, there is a demonstration/street party demanding abolish the house rent. The march goes from Nakano to Koenji. If you wanna participate to it, come to Nakano-eki Kitaguchi Koen at 3pm. It'll be absolutely fun!
Check this too:
"Abolish Rent! And Dare to Imagine as Much as You Can!" by Adrienne
Sacco and Vanzetti
Sacco and Vanzetti 2
Sacco and Vanzetti
Sacco and Vanzetti 2