From: "M"
To: hppnng
Subject: RE: Tokyo calling
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 17:46:24 +0200
よっ、元気かい? コペンハーゲンは近頃、大騒ぎさ。先月(8月)から大規模なデモや暴動が続き、そして10.6の大スクワット行動の準備が着々と進んでいるよ。ボクが思った以上にね。
9月6日の木曜日に、毎週木曜日恒例のいわゆる「木曜日デモ」が行われた。メディアでは、9.1暴動を受けて、デモだけでなく、Ungdomshuset関連のすべての行動を非難の対象にあげていた。Nrebro周辺だけでなく、コペンハーゲン全域におけるサポートを、Ungodomshusetのムーヴメントは9.1の暴動でついに失った、とこんなふうにメディアはぬかしていたよ。メディアがこんな調子だから、Nrebroの一部の住人によって暴力行為反対を訴えるデモが行われたり、Ungdomshusetのような「若者の家」的な概念そのものに対して非難する動きが起き始めている。9.6の「木曜日デモ」で、こうした「反若者の家」のデモ隊にいた40代後半の男性たちが、「木曜日デモ」のデモ隊にいた19歳の女の子を突き飛ばしたことで、「反若者の家デモ」と「木曜日デモ」がもう少しで全面衝突する事態となった。「反若者の家」のデモ隊に近づいていた「木曜日デモ」の参加者が、「反若者の家」のデモ隊から口頭による虐待を受けている場面がメディアで流れて、「反若者の家」に悪い印象を与えることになってざまーみろ、って感じだったけどね。こんなNrebroの一角でのいざこざにもかかわらず、Ungdomshusetムーヴメント側は、きっと今までで一番大規模なんじゃないかと思えるほどに大規模な「木曜日デモ」を展開することができた。この日の「木曜日デモ」は、69本の道の、それぞれ69番地から始まった69コの小規模なデモが寄り集まって一つの大きなデモへと発展する形で行われた。UngdomshusetはJagtvej 69番という住所だったので、「69」という数字がムーヴメントの象徴となっているんだ。デモ自体は平和的に行われ、69コの小規模なデモ隊が街のあちこちで合流する度に歓声が沸き起こり、69コのデモ隊が全て揃った最終合流地点でも大歓声が響き渡った。
10.6にGrøndalsvænge Allé 13番という住所にある建物をスクワットする大スクワット行動、「G13」の準備は順調に進んでいるよ。こないだの週末、「G13」に向けてのトレーニング・セミナーを開催してみたら、ボクが期待していたよりはるかにたくさんの200人もの人が集まってくれたよ!バリケードを築く練習、警察に捕獲された時の逃れ方、それに少人数のアフィニティ(親密な)グループでの動き方など、いろんなトレーニングを行ったんだ。楽しかったよ!「G13」のウェブサイトもちゃんとあるんだ。
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From: "M"
To: hppnng
Subject: RE: Tokyo calling
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 17:46:24 +0200
Hope your doing good. Copenhagen is quite hectic these times. Since "T" left, there has been mass demonstraitions, riots and the mobilisation for the sqautting the 6 of oct. are coming along very well. Actully better than I though it would.
But first the riots. The first of september, exactly half a year after the eviction of the youth house there was a demonstration. About 1000 persons participatet, wich was fine but still not as many as the organisers had hoped. In the evening at 23:00, when the demo was over, there was a illigal street party. Starting at the empty space where the youth house had been situated and moving in to a trafical fix-point of Nrebro, the kvarter in copenhagen wich I live in, where the yourth house was situated and where alot of the strugles are going on, called Rundelen. There, baricades was bulit and lite, the stores around the street party (mainly multinational-chains) was smashed and plundered, mass grafitti was bying made, all while DJ's where playing and alot of people was dancing. Police was afraid of moving in to the area because people at the street party had torn up pavement stone and gather them in piles along with glassbottles and other stuff, intented to be missiled at the police. At some point police got the premission to shoot gas in to the croud and started to go in to formation, but before being attcked the party clossed it self down and turned into a demonstration, instead. The demonstration move toward the city but very soon meet police wich they attacked. Being attacked police shoot gas into their attackers, sqattering the protesters. Instead of having a joint demonstration doing the rioting, people was now smashing shops and robing them, building and liting baricades all over Nrebro. These riots went on from 24:00 to 5:00, where the police had manage to clear the streets.
Here are a vidoe from that night:
Thursday 6.sep(6/9) the weekly "thursaday-demonstraition" was held. There had in the media, the following days after the riot the 1 of sep. been a pronouced denoucement not only of the riots saturday, but of the hole Youth-house movement. It was said, that now the movement had finally lost the last of support in around nrebro and in the rest of copenhagen. Some People on Nrebro made af demonstration "against violence" but seemed more focused on actully attcaking the idea of af youth house. The counter youthhouse-demonstraition almost clashed with the "thursday-demonstration", when some of the anti-violence demonstrators, grown men in the late 40's, attacked a 19 years old girl and pushed her. In generally Youth house protsters getting to close to the counter demonstration, was verbally abused. Wich gave the "anti-violence" demonstraitors a really bad media coverage. Despite the comotion on nrebro, people around the youthhouse movement manage to gather maybe the biggest "thursday-demonstration" ever. It was a demonstration wich consisted of 69 smaller demonstrations, that had started from 69 differnt adresses at the street number 69. The youth house used to be located at Jagtvej 69 and the number "69" has become the symbol of the movement. The demo was quite peacefull, and there was a cheerfull and exstatic vibe as the 69 small demonstration meet around the city and in the end joint
You can se some pictures from the demo here:
(the people with the white pages are the "anti-violence" people)
The mobilasation for the G13, the sqautting of Grøndalsvænge Allé 13 the 6 okt., are going well. We had a training seminar this weekend, where abour 200 persons showed up, a lot more than i had hoped. They trained building baricades, how to escape police captivity and creating and acting in affinity groupes. It was fun! You can se our website at www.aktionG13.dk , there is still not an translation, but it will come some times later this week.
I hope your preparing of the soupkitchen are going well. Now i'll eat some dinner and read a book, there is 2 hours until i have to be at a meeting, and I need to relax some.
Regards M
(you are wellcome to pass my mail on, if people wants to read the description of whats going on in copenhagen)
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