AKTION G13のレポート、もう一つ。
ヘイ “T”。

Hey "T".
I hope your doing well, my friend! G-day was saturday, i was really stressed out friday and thursday. I had had a hard time sleeping, and waking up in the morning, after spining on my sheets and having nightmares, about beaten up blocks in different colors and me constantly trying to call people that had been arrested, i woke up saturday morning, still at unease. The Day was a sunny warm late fall day, not much wind but a breese made the t-shirt you were wearing flap from your body. It was way to warm to be october.
At 13:00 the demo gather. There was speaces (how do you spell it?) for an hour or so and around 14:00 aツエclock, we started moving against Grテクndalsvテヲnget Allテゥ 13. The demonstration was huge, even for our standards. It was public annouced that this was an illigal demonstration that was gonna sqaut a new youth house, stil det number of participants was about 8.000. Old people along with kids down to the age of 9 months (my sisters son was their, and his only 9 months old!), gay fractions, queer fractions, feminist fractions; communist, anarchist, socialist; Germans, people from all over Denmark, swedes and norwegians; Moms and Dads, Grand parrents and siplin, yougsters and so; Militan masked blocks along with "hippi-happy" art blocks(that had build houses on weels, that they pushed in the demo and later turn into barricades, when
the police cars ran in to them), civil disobidiens gruops and so on and so on.
This wasn't a slim confrontative demonstration, this was a fulll scale attacked on the idea of private property! Which all so was adressed several time in the speaces, from the 4 radio connected soundtrucks.
about 14:30 we hit the first policeline blocking our way to the site that
we had planned and annouced that we would occupie. Green block and the demo-leadership, which i was in, was in the front. We broke the plastic seal that the police had suspended between buildings and was crossing the street that we where heading down. And clashed with the police cars, and cops hidding behind them, that was parked under the bridge wich we needed to pass under to get to site. Massive gas made us draw back. But People made about 5-6 attacks on the policeline, before the gas finally made us choose another rute. (the demo wagon i was in, was in constant gas, for about an hour. Both our speakers threw up and one of our DJ's, ran in panic from the wagon, while the other stayed and kept playing!)
While green was clashing over and over with the cops on Borups allテゥ, yellow had after the first claches chosen another tactic. They quickly pulled back, went back to the fist big street, ran down the street, and made it to another street where they had a cop-free shot for the house, as long as the cops was fighting green with massiv gas, on borups allテゥ. Turkies and Red block, had all ready before the first clash with the cops broken of from the demo. Green and Turkies being the to most confrontative blocks where dressed in black, but wearing masking according to the block color. Turkies was armed with ladders to paush away cops, while green had big shields and moved slower and as a block, turkies ran in smaller groups both using the ladder to fence obsticals and protect themselfs against the policesticks that pounded againgst all of the blocks that day. Turkies and Red had runned to the left insted of yellow, that had runned back and to the right. They tried to get to the site by running over a trainrail that divides the area and all so was bridge which green was clashing under. Red and Turkies had just moved further up the rail. They also meet police throwing massive teargas, but many smaller groups made it to the site, even more was beaten up and arrested.
From these four points people moved for the site, the only gathered block who made it was yellow, the queers/feminist-block, wich the girl that i live with was in. She was in charge of the boltcutters, she proudly told me sunday morning, after she had been released from the Valby policestation detention.
A lot of smaller groups made it to the ground, occupeing the rooftops and spears of the 5 house at the site. Police drew them out and sourounded them with dogs, gas and sticks. My wagon and the demo-leadership, was several times about to be raid by cops, and more than once police tried to hit the wagon
with grenades, one time i ducked in the last few secounds, or the officer intentionly aiming for my had blown my head of. Fucking scary! But we keept going, green block was so split up into gruopes, that we at some point had to fall back. People where throwing up and passing out on the side of the street, some where injuried and taken to the hospital, either hit on their body by granades og hit by the massive gas these granades launched. Not being able to get through the policeline blocking Borups allテゥ, but giving yellow block enough space to get to get ground, in a block containing about 200 persons, Green block pulled back and tried anthor rute, but as againg meet with gas and sticks. After af 3-4 hour struggle we went back to Nテクrrebro.
Most people think that we won the battle, the mayor of CPH now wants to talk to the Ungdomshus Movement and find a sollution. She has denied talks, for 5 months. We did what we said we sould dom we occupied the house for an hour or so. We got a lot of street knowledge and a lot of new friends! The press is talking about, massive police brutality and the very high diciplin among the demonstraitors. We are gonna have a mass-evaluation (properbly about 700 or so are gonna come) this week and figure out if we're gonna try to make a mass sqauting againg. I think that alot of people are up for it. But maybe it's to cold in the winther.
Yo. have to run! Check out these vidoes! Pass the mail on to the others if you feel like it, maybe they want to read it.
I'll send you more links!
Love "M"
どんな状況か見たくなったので Youtube でさがしてみました。
G13 Excessive amounts of Teargas suprises the riotpolice
さがす方法は、Youtube の検索ボックスに、
(Ungdomshus OR Ungdomshuset) G13