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9月8日にオーストラリア、シドニーでAPECサミットが開催される。この会議はアジア・太平洋地域の21カ国首脳によって、経済的・軍事的な戦略を決定するフォーラムである。アメリカ、オーストラリア、日本、中国をはじめとする域内の大国が主導して、より円滑な富の蓄積を推進するネオリベラリズム的経済戦略が練られる。APECの枠組みによる経済協力体制とは、地域経済を破壊する自由貿易の促進、経済活動を阻害しない限りでの環境問題対策、経済権益保護のための安全保障体制強化であり、それらは、民営化、規制緩和、雇用流動化、貿易の自由化、社会の軍事化を通じてこの域内に暮らす私たちの生活を破壊してきた。現在、開催地シドニーで、資本主義の延命を図る戦略会議APECの枠組みに同意しない人々が各地から結集し、抗議の意思表示とオルタナティブな世界への模索が様々な方法で実践されていることに、わたしたちNo! G8Actionは心からの連帯の挨拶を送る。




No! G8 Action

Appeal for Solidarity in Disobedience to the Police State – We Won’t Allow Oppression of the Anti-APEC Protest

On September 8th, the APEC summit will take place in Sydney Australia. The leaders of twenty-one states in Asia and Oceania are gathering to determine economic and military strategies. The super powers such as the US, Australia, Japan, and China will lead the neo-liberal economic policies for an ever more effective accumulation of wealth. The economic collaboration among APEC countries has pushed forward free trade that is destroying regional economies, dealt with environmental issues only to the extent of not interfering with their profit making, and strengthened the security state for protecting their economic privileges – in so doing it has been producing devastating effects over the lives of people in this entire region by way of privatization, deregulation, fluidization of employment, liberalization of trade, and militarization of the society.

Meanwhile here in Sydney, people from all corners of the world are gathering in order to say No! to APEC’s goal of prolonging capitalism, and presenting their own searches for another world. The Japanese group, No! G8 Action, calls for solidarity with all of those people.

We protest the empowerment of the neo-liberalist tendencies via APEC and this non-democratic decision-making process. We protest the special limited law that the Australian government has proclaimed for forcing a summit that the people of Asia/Oceania have never agreed upon, a law that effectively places the city of Sydney under occupation.

On September 4th the guest of honor, G.W.Bush, entered the city guarded by as many as twenty armored vehicles. (The leaders of Japan, Australia, and the US are planning to meet to discuss the enforcement of the anti-terrorism global war.) In order to invite these naked kings, Sydney, one of the tourist capitals of the world, has turned into a police state, its center being surrounded by fences, creating scattered patches of restricted areas as well as no-trespassing areas. People walk the fenced walkways like mice in a cage; they are required to show their identification at every checkpoint; they cannot refuse random body checks by the police. Taking pictures of the fences would cause police arrest. The transportation systems are deranged thanks to the special measures.

We protest the extra-legal suppressions against the anti-OPEC protesters and distorted reports by the media. The supreme court of Australia authorized the police’s restrictions of the demonstration routes--violating the right to freedom of demonstration as guaranteed by the constitution. So far, as many as forty people have been prohibited from entering the specified zones related to APEC. We denounce the serious violation of the freedom of moving/transportation.

The tendency of media reports is also seriously problematic. With overt sensationalism they consistently identify the protests as violent and distort the facts, at the same time as abandoning any critical view of APEC and its violence. The prime minister of Australia shamelessly claims that the summit of APEC is an opportunity for economic growth and plays an important role in solving the issues of poverty; that he wishes the protesters who hate capitalism would stop the hypocritical protests and instead work toward the success of APEC for the sake of dissolving poverty. The ruling elites continue their politics of fear that determines all the protests as violent and illegal, in order to veil the illegitimacy of APEC. But the campaign to eliminate the people’s participation in the protest by threat and intimidation works two ways: While it implants fear in the minds of some protest participants, it also encourages, among many others, the spirit of disobedience against illegitimate occupation.

We are from Japan, one of countries participating in APEC. We are preparing a global anti-G8 protest in July 2008. From such a position, we call for solidarity with all the participants of the anti-APEC protest.

No! G8 Action

September 8th 2007


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