で、もし下記のRock Dove CollectiveのAutumn Brownと会うことに興味あったらIRAまで電話 (03-3352-6916) かe-mailで連絡ください。
IRA closes on May 10th Thursday.
But if you are interested in meeting with an activist called Autumn Brown from the Rock Dove Collective in New York on Thursday, call 03-3352-6916 or e-mail to IRA.
Autumn Brown
Autumn Brown is one of Rock Dove's Consensus and Facilitation trainers. She was trained in Consensus method for decision making and group process by the UK-based collective Seeds for Change, and she is committed to utilizing, teaching, and integrating consensus in her life and work. Autumn is also a trained practitioner of the Fertility Awareness Method for natural birth control and reproductive health, and she sits on the Board of Directors of the Fertility Awareness Center in New York City. She is part of the Rock Dove Collective because she believes fiercely in the mind-body continuum, and that within an individual's deeper understanding of her own body, mind and soul, is the potential for a deeper understanding of the other.
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